Lemon Cheesecake

How time is moving at a lightning speed, we are already in the middle of January. For months I have been on the countdown to Gaurav’s 40 th birthday, more so because he himself has been on the countdown. Seems like they have found their new twenties, thank god I am no where close to it. Must say at the speed of time travel won’t be saying that very soon. Gaurav’s is my friend, my confidant and my critique. Mona and his 2 little daughters are my family and joy. Gaurav loves food, he at times annoys me being so critical, but no one else is as happy as him after a good meal, and absolutely no else will express it so many words. For the love and hate relationship of my life, Happy happy birthday my dearest friend, life today is unthinkable without you. ( Thanks Avantika for the most beautiful picture, www.avantikam.com) Lemon Cheese Cake. Ingredients 200g digestive biscuits 50g white butter 3 packets Philidelphia cream cheese (226 g...