Lemon Rice with Cucumber Raita

When I was a baby, I was particularly fond my cousin (Shrutika didi) I idealized her, followed her everywhere and wanted to do everything she did. Didi, cooked very well. Chocolate balls, macaroni hot pot, strawberry gelatin these are treats from my childhood all lovingly introduced by her. My initial desire to cook was inspired by her. I was in my teens and too busy in my own life, so I missed the early growing years of my niece (Shrutika didi’s daughter Siddhika). But then one day I met this little girl (she may have been 8-9 yrs old) at a party, she was sitting with her arms around my dad (her nana) on a very crowded banquet table. She was half his height and 1/5 his size, but she had him twirled around her little finger. The twinkle in her eye, her beautiful smile, and very mischievous expressions was magnetic. We started our relationship on that day. Together we did endless trips in the middle of the night to ‘Mannat’. You guessed it right, it’s the actor Sha...